Graphics course with Renate Thor


This autumn, Henie Onstad Art Center and artist Renate Thor welcome you to the popular graphics course!

Date Place Tid: Varighet:
Lab 18:00-20:15 Fem kvelder

This autumn, the popular graphics workshop is back! This autumn, the popular graphics workshop is back!

The artist Edvard Munch worked a lot with the puzzle method, also called lino printing. The autumn graphics course follows in Munch's footsteps and explores this puzzle technique, with inspiration from the artist Andy Warhol!

The graphics course will emphasize pop art, still life, with strong and vibrant colours. The course will be guided by illustrator and printmaker Renate Thor, and course participants will have room to explore and test, and not least develop their own style!

This autumn, the course is offered on selected Tuesdays, with a limited number of places. To secure your place on the course, it is recommended to register early.

On your chosen course day, you must arrive a little before the arrival time (6:00 p.m.). Bring work clothes or an apron with you. This will be fun!

The event is these days:

07.11.23 (Tuesday)

14.11.23 (Tuesday)

21.11.23 (Tuesday)

28.11.23 (Tuesday)

05.12.23 (Tuesday)

The event has a limited number of places (max. 15) per course day. It may therefore be a good idea to register early if you want to secure a place.


Ordinary: NOK. 990,-
Member: NOK 590,-


Arrangementet er følgende kvelder:

07.11.23 (tirsdag)
21.11.23 (tirsdag)
05.12.23 (tirsdag)

Arrangementet har et begrenset antall plasser (maks 20 per kurskveld). Det kan derfor være lurt å melde seg på tidlig om du vil sikre deg en plass.