Exhibition opening: Alia Farid

Bneid Al Gar

Exhibition opening
Alia Farid In Lieu of What Is Kunsthalle Basel 2022 02

Alia Farid, In Lieu of What Is, 2022. Photo: Philipp Hänger. Courtesy the artist.

Welcome to the opening of the exhibition Alia Farid - Bneid Al Gar.

Date Place For Membership holders

Alia Farid the third recipient of The Lise Wilhelmsen Art Award is presented in a major solo exhibition. The Kuwaiti-Puerto Rican artist works with a variety of different media, including textiles, film, and sculpture. Farid's complex work mediates between the past and the present and, in a poetic processing, draws out omitted histories that push against standard narratives. She explores questions of conflict and control and how power and violence are inflicted on nature and people.

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Photo: Ian Clontz

Adipop 1

Photo: Chai Saeidi

We are proud to welcome Alia Farid into the Lise Wilhelmsen Art Award Programme and present her work in Norway and the Nordic for the first time.

This evening we offer opening speeches, music performance with Mariama Ndure and music with DJ Adipop. Between 6-7pm we offer a glass of wine or mineral water. After 7pm the bar is open. Welcome!